Join your Child in Play with Gill Moses Parent Mentor

Welcome to our video podcast: Different voices and Different Eyes. Focusing on learning, parenting and education - Join your Child in Play with Gill Moses Parent Mentor

In my podcast episode for August 2023, I have a chat with Gill Moses, known as YourParentMentor. I love a quote on Gill's Instagram: "join your child in play & feel connected all day". This profound statement kickstarted our conversation where Gill expresses and demonstrates what it means to connect with children through play! I really enjoyed talking to Gill and her vibrant puppet assistant, Nell. Nell (or Lilabell on our website!) is a super large hand puppet that Gill uses in her demonstration and conversations with parents. I hope you'll enjoy our vibrant conversation as much as I did!

You can get in touch with Gill through her Instagram Page.
Here is the link to the lovely Nell or Lilabell from Living Puppets!


With my video podcasts, I am interested in having a chat with people who are encouraging learning, play, education, parenting and anything to do with children growth and well-being, on a different angle. I hope you find this video podcast, Join your child in play with Gill Moses, interesting and informative.

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Join your child in play with Gill Moses Parent Mentor | Mimitoys August 2023

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